Case Study

South Flank Area C

CPB Contractors was selected by BHP Iron Ore to deliver the construction of bulk earthworks, concrete and underground services for the South Flank project in Western Australia’s Pilbara region. The South Flank development works will help to ensure that the Mining Area C precinct becomes one of the largest standalone iron ore processing center's in the world.

  • ClientClientCPB
  • Project DurationProject Duration2020 - 2021
  • StartStart2020
  • FinishFinish2021

Scope of Work

Key construction works include:

  • Earthworks and concrete works to support the expansion and duplication of the existing rail loop and stockyard.
  • Earthworks and concrete works for the development of a new ore processing plant and train load-out facilities.
  • Underground services, including electrical and water services, for the above work.

FSC were awarded a supply labour contract with CPB. FSC were engaged to supply skilled labour to the project including formworkers, steelfixers, concreters and grouters.